Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance SADA

People (under construction)

SADA exists because of the highly energized efforts of numerous experts across numerous disciplines in academia, the federal government, and the private sector. Some of the larger goals of all these individuals is to make SADA a capable and substantial software package in

1) Supporting scientists, engineers, environmentalists, geographers, and many others as the tackle real world applications in their field
2) Encouraging the use of "spatial thinking" in problem solving
3) Serving as a teaching aid at both the highschool and university level
4) Serving as a foundation to test new or advanced approaches in a friendly to use environemnt.

Most certainly we have inadvertently left some important people off the list. If this has happened please let us know.

Robert Stewart

Project Manager, Lead Developer, & Education

The Institute For Environmental Modeling
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
569 Dabney Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996; (865) 574-7646

Robert first created the SADA software package in 1995 and has been the project manager and lead developer ever since. His interests lie in the integration of geospatial analysis methods with risk assessment, decision analysis, and subsequent software implementations. In addition to directing the development of the code he is also heavily involved in SADA education and training of SADA and the methods it uses. Robert as a M.S. in Mathematics and is currently completing his Ph.D. in Geography (GIS Systems) at the University.

Dr. Louis Gross
Co-Principle Investigator

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
569 Dabney Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996; (865) 974-4295

Louis is Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Mathematics and Director of The Institute for Environmental Modeling as well as the new National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis both located at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He has led the effort to develop an across trophic level modeling framework to assess the biotic impacts of alternative water planning for the Everglades of Florida. He is also well known for service on editorial boards of a variety of journals and being the organizer of over twenty conferences of professional societies. He is currently Past-President of the Society for Mathematical Biology and served as Chair of the National Research Council Committee on Education in Biocomplexity Research. He has served as Chair of the Theoretical Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America. He has co-directed several Courses and Workshops in Mathematical Ecology at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, has edited or co-edited four books, including Individual- Based Models and Approaches in Ecology and Some Mathematical Questions in Biology: Plant Biology. In addition to his research in computational ecology, he has ongoing research projects in photosynthetic dynamics, landscape ecology, and the development of quantitative curricula for life science undergraduates.

Dr. Tom Purucker
Human health risk, ecological risk, & education

Ecosystems Research Division
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
960 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30605 30605; (706)355-8123

Tom has been instrumental in developing codes and methods for the human health and ecological risk models in SADA. He has also participated heavily in education and training on all aspects of SADA. Tom's Ph.D. is in ecology from the University of Tennessee and his more recent interests include: 1) Risks and benefits from biotechnology implementation, particularly the use of plant incorporated protectants in agroecosystems and indirect food chain effects; 2) Spatial estimation and agent-based movement models to estimate ecological exposure and effects from environmental toxicants; 3) Ecological risk assessment software library development to improve “production-level” ecological risk assessments through SADA and FRAMES software packages.

Dr. Christopher Welsh
University of Tennessee
Ecological risk, quality control, trainer

Fred Dolislager
Risk Assessment Manager; Trainer

The Institute For Environmental Modeling
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1060 Commerce Dr. 
Oak Ridge, TN 37830; (865) 576-5451

Fred has been the principal contact for the human health risk assessment needs of SADA for 3 years and has been involved in the training team for SADA. Interests are in exposure modeling and risk-based decision making. Fred is also the Content Manager for the Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) and maintains 13 similar web-based tools for the US EPA spanning chemical and radiological risk issues. His extensive involvement with the RAIS and EPA risk assessment tools enable the SADA project to be instantly aware of any changes in US EPA guidance or toxicity values. Fred has a B.S. in Natural Science and 30 hours of graduate work at the University of TN.

Debra Stewart
SADA Help File; QA/QC; Website development

The Institute For Environmental Modeling
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1060 Commerce Dr. 
Oak Ridge, TN 37830; (865) 576-5450

Debra has been the lead help file developer and user guide editor for the SADA project since 1998. She has also developed content for the website and participates in some QA/QC of the code.

John Joseph Roberts-Niemann
Lockheed (formerly UT)
Software development, Documentation

Dr. Pierre Goovaerts

Dr. George Powers
NRC Manager, MARSSIM, Subsurface etc, Consulting

Dr. Carl Gogolak
Consultant (formerly DOE)

John Bing-Canar
Geostatistics, sample design, consulting

Brian Cooper
EPA Project management, general consulting

Tim Drexler
EPA Project management, general consulting

Dr. Brenda Jones
Ecological Risk

Leslie Galloway
University of Tennessee
Toxicological Databases

Dr. Bruce Ralston
University of Tennessee
GIS Import/Export

John Wilson
DXF translation

Dr. George Christakos
San Diego State University

Dr. Hwa-Lung Yu
San Diego State University

Jim Davidson
Davidson & Davidson
Ellipgrid Module (hotspot designs)

Melinda Vzanna
Shape File Translation
Rob Fletcher
Quality Control

Other significant contributors

SADA is a better product because of the advice and efforts of many not even on the payroll. The SADA user's group is an example of the kind of good input we receive. We would like to acknowledge the following folks who have helped the project.

Peter Starzec
Swedish Geotechnical Institute

Jerry Montgomery
US Army Corp Of Engineers

Jenny Norman
Swedish Geotechnical Institute

Tom Nicholson

Bobby Abueid

Jim Wulf

Carl Stineman

Martin Bittens

Still adding every day...

We would like to acknowledge our sponsors:

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Dr. George Powers

US Environmental Protection Agency
Brian Cooper
John Bing-Canar
Tim Drexler
Brenda Jones

US Department of Energy
Teresa Perry (DOE)
Rich Palowitz (ORNL)
Wilson McGinn (ORNL)

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