3d Hot Spot Search

3D Hot Spot Search is a 3d initial sample design that calculates the probability of hitting or missing an elliptical area of interest.


This sample design is available for all SADA files.


These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step Set sampling parameters. Click on the links below for more details about the following steps.

1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot

2. Set up the site

3. Set GIS overlays

4. Set sampling parameters

5. Show the results

6. Import sampled data

7. Format picture

8. Auto-document

9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)

Design-specific Parameters

When 3D Hot Spot Search is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window changes to look like the following:


Enter the hot spot search parameters, number of simulations, and grid design.

Press Show the Results. For each simulation, the defined ellipse is randomly placed within the grid design and SADA calculates the number of nodes that would intersect this ellipse. Over a large number of simulations, SADA can calculate the probability of hitting (or missing) an ellipse of the given size for the specified grid.

SADA will first present a message of the probability of hitting the ellipsoid and the average number of hits. Then SADA displays the new sample locations in the Graphics Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.



To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.