Decision Basis

The decision basis allows the user to make decisions, screen data, and produce probability maps against a specific concentration value or a risk-based criteria. When General is the analysis type, SADA uses a user-defined decision goal, a concentration option, as the decision basis. For all other analyses, SADA uses an analysis-based decision framework.

·   Analysis-Based Option

If the current analysis is . . .

1. Human Health – SADA will identify data points and/or areas of the site that exceed or are predicted to exceed the target risk level for a specific risk scenario. When the Draw a data screen map, Draw a probability map, Draw an area of concern map, Calculate cost versus cleanup, or Develop a sample design (with area of concern boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for human health, the user will be prompted to specify the correct pathway in the Risk Scenario Selection Window.

2. Ecological – When the Draw a probability map, Draw an area of concern map, or Develop a sample design (with area of concern boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for ecological, the Steps Window displays an additional step called Set eco framework. This step affects the ecological decision framework. When Based on Benchmarks is selected, the user will be prompted to select the ecological benchmark for the decision framework. When Based on Dose is selected, enter a relevant toxicity reference value for the contaminant and species that is being modeled for the purposes of comparing to the dose modeling results. 

3. Custom Criteria – SADA will identify data points and/or areas of the site that exceed or are predicted to exceed imported custom values. When the Draw a data screen map, Draw a probability map, Draw an area of concern map, Calculate cost versus cleanup, or Develop a sample design (with area of concern boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for custom analysis, the user will be prompted to specify a particular custom criteria. See Using Custom Analysis Results.

·   Concentration Option

This option, available only for General Analysis, will identify data points and/or areas of the site that exceed or are predicted to exceed the concentration value entered by the user.